
Stein AS, (Pivovar)
Slovakia (SK)

Code: SSKSTN99632
Added: 28/12/2024 12:46
Updated: 28/12/2024 12:46
Views: 0
Collection: 1
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 0

Brand: Citrus.
Producer: Pivovar Stein/Pivovar Bratislava a.s. / Západoslovenske Pivovary / Bratislavské Pivovary a Sodovkárne n.p.
Description: Gold crown cap; yellow lemon, green leaves and text: citras.
On skirt: PIVOVARY A SLAVODNE N.P. BRATISLAVA 0,33 l Kcs 1,30 PRIFARBENE 0,7 l Kcs 3,50.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: Modrický Korek sro.

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