
Germany (DE)

Code: BDEFRE99253
Added: 05/12/2024 12:06
Updated: 09/12/2024 11:24
Views: 2
Collection: 1
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 0

Brand: Freiberger.
Producer: Freiberger Brauhaus AG.
Description: Gold crown, red and gold cap. Multicolored logo. White label with green text: "Freiberger". and "Pils". White text: "AKTIONSKRONKORNEN JETZT MITMACHEN AUF. WWW.FREIBERGER.PILS.DE".
Inside and black: "GEHT NICHT? GIBT'S NICHT! - WWW.FREIBERGER.PILS.DE". With a white promotional code on a black circumference.
(Text inside different than 80591)
Plastic line..
Factory sign: R·R·K (Rauh GmbH & Co. Blechwarenfabrikations-KG).

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