
Velkepopovic Pivovary
Czechoslovakia (CS)

Code: SCSVLK99231
Added: 05/12/2024 10:02
Updated: 05/12/2024 10:02
Views: 0
Collection: 1
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 0

Brand: Dia Citron.
Producer: St?edo?eské Pivovary N.P. Závod Velké Popovice / Sodovkárny Stredo?eskeho KNV N.P. / Velkopopovický Pivovar N.P.
Description: Gold crown; white cap. Yellow label, red and yellow text: DIA CITRON STREDOCES. PIV. K.P.V. POPOVICE 0,33 I Kcs 1,40 · KONZERY. · 0,7 I Kcs 2,50.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: Korek - Omnopol.

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