
Zámecký Pivovar
Czech Republic (CZ)

Code: BCZZPV97937
Added: 02/12/2024 13:01
Updated: 02/12/2024 13:01
Views: 0
Collection: 1
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 0

Brand: Golem Pils.
Producer: Zámecký Pivovar B?eclav / Pivovar Podlužan a.s. / Sodovkárna Podlužan a.s.
Description: White crown cap; multicolores shield, gold circle, black circle, lines, stars and text: GOLEM PILS CZECH BEER SINCE ORIGINAL CRAFT BEER 2018.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: cp (Canpack).

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