
Turkey (TR)

Code: STRFAN97286
Added: 05/09/2024 18:42
Updated: 05/09/2024 18:42
Views: 1
Collection: 2
Repeated: 1
Wanted: 0
No interested: 1

Brand: Fanta.
Producer: Coca-Cola Icecek.
Description: Silver and orange crown, orange cap. Orange and dark blue logo and text: FANTA ®. White text: portakal aromali gazuz seker ve tatlandirici içerir. uretim kisaltmasi kapak uzerine kodlnmistir uretim tarihi ve saati kapakladir ve parti numarasyerine gecer edilen tüketim tarini (tett) üzeridedir. Alkolsur icecekler tebligine uygun üretilmistir: Türkye coca.cola lletisim 08502013040-4443040.
Text letters blue color outline.
Factory sign: goldcap (AICap Ambalaj Sanayi ve Ticaret, A.S).

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