
Ecuador (EC)

Code: SECFIO88043
Added: 29/05/2023 17:27
Updated: 09/12/2023 18:42
Views: 7
Collection: 1
Repeated: 1
Wanted: 0
No interested: 1

Brand: Fioravanti.
Producer: Ecuador Bottling Company Corp.
Description: Silver crown cap, black text: "Fioravanti ® - Bebida gaseosa sabor a fresa Este producto contiente edulcorante no calórico".
Black text on the skirt; "Fabricado por Arcador, embotelladora autorizada por The Coca-Cola Company, Ind. Ecuatoriana. Elaborado en Quito, Guayaquil y Santo Domingo...2019 The Coca Cola Company".
Plastic line.
Factory sign: Fadesa Group,S.A.

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