
Casa Di Conti Ltda.
Brazil (BR)

Code: BBRCDC87608
Added: 05/05/2023 18:20
Updated: 05/05/2023 18:20
Views: 1
Collection: 2
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 2

Brand: Conti.
Producer: Casa Di Conti Ltda.
Description: Silver and red crown, red cap. White text: Conti, black lines, circle and text: PRODUZIDO E ENVASADO POR: CASA DI CONTI LTDA - AV. MARIA PAGOTTI CONTE, 888 - PORTOES 1 A 4 - DIST. IND. - CANDIDO MOTA - SP CNPJ Nº 46.842.894/0005-91 - REG. DO PROD. NO MAPA Nº 09959 00001 - 6 R BIER.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: cp (Canpack) (Red).

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