
Germany (DE)

Code: BDEDIS85316
Added: 17/01/2023 19:24
Updated: 13/01/2025 17:30
Views: 5
Collection: 2
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 1

Brand: Distelhäuser.
Producer: Distelhäuser Brauerei Ernst Bauer GmbH & Co.
Description: Golden crown, white and green cap. Green circle with white, green and gold shield. White circle and black text: GENUSSKORKEN. Red text: SAMMELN, GEWINNEN AND GENIESSEN!.
Green circle inside with green circular text , SORRY, KEIN GEWINN, ABERHEY-OFFEN BIERGENUSS!.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: HB (Helmut Bruninghaus Gmbh).

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