
Germany (DE)

Code: BDESAL81428
Added: 17/05/2022 10:30
Updated: 03/09/2023 19:45
Views: 42
Collection: 28
Repeated: 3
Wanted: 1
No interested: 1

Brand: Salitos.
Producer: Salitos Brewing Company GmbH (MBG International Premium Brands GmbH).
Description: Silver crown, pink cap. Silver square and pink text: REG. TRADE MARK & SALITOS, purple label with silver lettering: PINK. Silver text: IMPORTED IMPORTADO SUPERIOR.
In the skirt pink text: TWIST TO OPEN * GIRAR PARA ABRIR.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: R.R.K. (Rauh GmbH & Co. Blechwarenfabrikations-KG).

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