
Wacken Brauerei GmbH & Co KG.
Germany (DE)

Code: BDEWAC72604
Added: 02/04/2021 18:44
Updated: 02/04/2021 18:44
Views: 15
Collection: 12
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 0

Brand: Crafty Loki.
Producer: Wacken Brauerei GmbH & Co KG.
Description: Dark green crown cap. White circle and text: PANTHEON OF TASTE WWW.WACKEN.BEER, two stars and white logo with hops and text: SINCE 2016 BEER OF THE GODS WACKEN BRAUEREI.
Factory sign: DKF ( Delmenhorster Kork-Fabrik.)

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