
EMSA Pepsi Cola
Spain (ES)

Code: CESEMA70595
Added: 15/11/2020 08:49
Updated: 29/06/2023 08:37
Views: 10
Collection: 4
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 4
No interested: 0

Brand: Pepsi Cola
Producer: EMSA Pepsi Cola
Description: Silver crown, silver, red and blue cap. Blue star and text: PEPSI MARCA REGISTRADA. Silver text: BEBIDA REFRESCANTE DE EXTRACTOS. CONTIENE CAFEINA. Blue text in the contour: EMBOTELLADA POR E.M.S.A., MADRID R.S.I. Nº 29.379/M BAJO LICENCIA DE PEPSICO. INC. PURCHASE N.Y.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: TCI (Tapón Corona Ibérica).

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