
Indonesia (ID)

Code: OIDSOS68387
Added: 10/06/2020 11:20
Updated: 10/06/2020 11:20
Views: 1
Collection: 3
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 1

Brand: Fruit Tea
Producer: PT. Sinar Sosro
Description: Pink crown, pink and yellow cap. Red and yellow text: SOSRO fruit tea ISI BERSIH : 235 ml Minuman Teh Rasa APEL. Yellow text on crown: BPOM RI MD. 168313007033 KODE PRODUKSI (Lihat leher botol) DIPRODUKSI OLEH PT. SINAR SOSRO. PABRIK MOJOKERTO, MOJOKERTO 61382 INDONESIA Baik digunakan sebelum (Lihat leher botol). KOMPOSISI: AIR, GULA, SIRUP JAGUNG TINGGI FRUKTOSA, TEH HITAM, PENGATUR KEASAMAN (ASAM SITRAT, NATRIUM SITRAT), KONSENTRAT BUAH APEL, PERISA IDENTIK ALAM APEL, DAN ANTIOKSIDAN (ASAM ASKORBAT).
Factory sign: IMCP (Indonesia Multi Color Printing)

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