
Peru (PE)

Code: WPEPHU67443
Added: 20/05/2020 11:21
Updated: 20/05/2020 11:21
Views: 5
Collection: 1
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 0

Brand: Agua Phura (con gas).
Producer: Embotelladora Cusco del Sol.
Description: Blue crown cap with picture of town in White. White text: Agua PhURA CON GAS. White text in the contour: ELABORADO POR EMBOTELLADORA CUSCO DEL SOL SRL RUC 20527907862 REGRISTRO SANITARIO PO201609N GAEBCS PRODUCTO PERUANO.
Factory sign: PPP (Packaging Products del PerĂº, S.A).

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