
AMBEV - Companhia de Bebidas das Américas (Bohemia)
Brazil (BR)

Code: BBRBOH63147
Added: 31/03/2020 11:31
Updated: 10/04/2020 19:21
Views: 12
Collection: 9
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 2
No interested: 0

Brand: Cerveja Bohemia.
Producer: Companhia Cervejaria Bohemia.
Description: Gray crown cap. Golden cicle, arrow in the center the building of the brewing company. Golden text: BOHEMIA * REGISTRO MAPA: SP-081862 00049-9. On the side gold text: PRODUZIDO E ENVASILHADO SOB RESPONSABILIDADE DE AMBEV S.A. - F. JAGUARIUNA (JA) - AV. ANTARCTICA, 1891 - JAGUARIUNA - SP - CNPJ: 07.526.557/0005-33.
Factory sign: AROSUCO (Aro, S.A. Guarulhos).

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