
Petropolis Ltda., (Cervejaria)
Brazil (BR)

Code: BBRCPE58795
Added: 23/08/2019 09:09
Updated: 23/08/2019 09:09
Views: 4
Collection: 5
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 2

Brand: Itaipava
Producer: Cervejaria Petropolis Ltda.
Description: Golden crown cap, letters in black ITAIPAVA. SAC 0800 727 9998, and royal crown in red and black. on the side PRO. E. ENG. POR CERVEJARIA PETROPOLIS S/A CNPJ 73 410.326/0004-13 RUA TRAJANO DE PAULA FILHO Nº 139 PETROPOLIS-RJ 12 CERVEJARIA PETROPOLIS S/A. CNPJ.73.410.36/0009-18 ROD.BP 116,Km50 TERESÓPOLIS-RJ3 CERVEJARIA PETROPOLIS S/A CNPJ 73 410326/0003-22 ESTR.MUN BATISTA PAVORETTI Nº 350 BOITUVA-SP 1-2006. En side circunference and letter F in black.
Factory sign: Aro (Aro, S.A. Guarulhos)

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