
Quilmes S.A.I.C.A. y G., (Cervecería y Maltería) - (Norte)
Argentina (AR)

Code: BARQLN57234
Added: 07/05/2019 10:53
Updated: 07/05/2019 11:45
Views: 9
Collection: 7
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 1

Brand: Cerveza Norte
Producer: Cerveceria y malteria Quilmes S.A.
Description: Silver crown, white and blue cap. Orange circle and logo. White text: CERVEZA Norte. Black text: BLANCA. Black text in the contour: CUYO Y NORTE ARGENTINO S.A. CATAMARCA 1100 - TUCUMAN. R.N. 2300282 R.N.P.A. 23012436 I.N.A.L. C-803911. INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA. Foam inside.
Factory sign: Coroplas

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