
Sudbrack Ltd., (Cervejaria)
Brazil (BR)

Code: BBRCSU51868
Added: 13/03/2018 15:18
Updated: 13/03/2018 15:18
Views: 27
Collection: 24
Repeated: 1
Wanted: 4
No interested: 2

Brand: Eisenbahn
Producer: Cervejaria Sudbrack Ltd
Description: Silver and black crown, black cap. White and black circle and text. White text: CNPJ 04.914.890/0001-06.210740 0004. RUA BAHIA 5181 - BLUMENSAU/SC. FABRICADO E ENVASADO SOB RESPONSABILIDAD DE CERVEJARIA SUDBRACK LTDA.
Factory sign: Aro, S.A. Guarulhos

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