
Skol (Cia. Brasileira de Bebidas / Ambev)
Brazil (BR)

Code: BBRSKO50872
Added: 28/12/2017 17:02
Updated: 05/12/2024 12:30
Views: 5
Collection: 4
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 1

Brand: SKOL.
Producer: Cia. Brasileira de Bebidas.
Descriptoin: Bronze cap, dark brown text and bar code: SKOL 7891149200405.
On the skirt: PROD. E ENG. POR: CAP IBBC FILIAL JAGUARIUNA - AV. ANTARTICA, 1891. JAGUARIUNA - SP CNPJ 60.522.000/0125-13 - REG. PROD.NO. M.A. Nº SP-018620007 6-6.
Factory sign: Aro S.A. Guarulhos.

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