
Brahma Villiger & Companhia, (Cervejaria)
Brazil (BR)

Code: BBRBRA47939
Added: 05/06/2017 22:25
Updated: 05/06/2017 22:25
Views: 5
Collection: 5
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 0

Brand: Brahma
Producer: CBB - Companhia Brasileira de Bebidas
Descripton: Golden brown crown cap with golden brown text into a red label: BRAHMA Chopp, 2 Arrows in red with red text: GIRE, red text: PROD. E ENG. POR: C.C.B. - F.RIO DE JANEIRO - ANTIGA EST. RIO - SP.6011. km 31 - RJ - C.G.C.: 33.366.980/0107-58 - REG. PROD. MIN. AGRICULTURA Nº RJ-06648 00001-2
Factory sign: Tapon Corona Metal Plastico Ltda.

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