
Bitburger (Fan Force One Promotion Set 2014)
Germany (DE)

Code: BDEBFF46078
Added: 27/12/2016 12:41
Updated: 11/02/2017 12:11
Views: 9
Collection: 9
Repeated: 1
Wanted: 3
No interested: 2

Brand: Bitburger (Fan Force One)
Producer: Bitburger Brauerei
Description: Golden crown cap. Black text: Bitburger Premium Pils. White circle with black logo of a airplane. Text: FAN in black, FORCE in red and ONE in yellow. Inside: Flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Black text: Jetzt mitsammeln und gewinnen! Bosnien-Herzegowina Gruppe F
Factory sign: dap (Pelliconi s.P.a.)

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