
Brazil (BR)

Code: SBRSPR38442
Added: 02/10/2015 11:03
Updated: 02/05/2020 13:14
Views: 7
Collection: 5
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 1

Brand: Refrigerante de Limao
Producer: Vonpar Refrescos S/A
Description: Green and silver crown, green cap. White text: REFRIGERANTE DE LIMAO. FAB. E ENG POR VONPAR REFRESCOS S/A. AV. ASSIS BRASIL, 11200 - SARANDI PORTO ALEGRE - RS- CNPJ: 91.235.549/0024-07. 0967. REG. PROD. MAPA RS-09440 00044-5. INGR.: ÁGUA GASEIFICADA, AZÚCAR, SUCO DE LIMAO, AROMA NATURAL, ACIDULANTE INS 300 E CONSERVADORES INS 211 E INS 202. White text in the contour: NAO CONGELAR.
Factory sign: Aro, S.A. Guarulhos

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