
Modelo S.A. de C.V., (Cerveceria) - (Victoria - Luchadores 2015)
Mexico (MX)

Code: BMXMVL38101
Added: 08/09/2015 16:32
Updated: 08/09/2015 16:32
Views: 13
Collection: 12
Repeated: 1
Wanted: 2
No interested: 0

Brand: Victoria
Producer: Modelo, Cerveceria, S.A. de C.V.
Description: Red crown, multicoloured cap. Drawing of a mexican fighter with white text: Victoria. Banner with black text: APACHE. Black text on the skirt: CERVEZA TIPO VIENA. IVAN LOPEZ . CERVECERIA MODELO. S. DE R.L. DE C.V. LAGO ALBERTO 156 COL. ANAHUAC MEXICO DF CP.11320.
Factory sign: Z (Grupo Zapata)

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