
Pascual Boing
Mexico (MX)

Code: OMXPAB33430
Added: 26/10/2014 21:29
Updated: 26/10/2014 21:29
Views: 4
Collection: 14
Repeated: 3
Wanted: 1
No interested: 2

Brand: Pascual Boing
Producer: Sociedad Cooperativa Trabajadores De Pascual, S.C.L.
Description: silver/pink crown, pink cap, blue circle and text in cap: Pascual Boing Sin Gas GUAYABA 17% de pulpa. Cooperativa. Marca Reg. No. 240915 Reg. S. S.A. No. 144723 A. Blue text in skirt: Hecho en Mexico por: Sociedad Cooperativa Trabajadores de Pascual, S.C.L. Planta Clavijero Nº 75 Mexico, D.F.
Factory sign: CLUCME

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