
Indonesia (ID)

Code: WIDSPR32585
Added: 26/08/2014 17:51
Updated: 24/02/2017 15:37
Views: 10
Collection: 3
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 1

Brand: Spring
Producer: Spring.
Description: Silver and blue crown, blue cap. Silver text: Spring - Air Mineral - Spring - SNI 01-3553-2006 - Bpom RI. MD. 149122002006 - Petunjuk Penimpanan: Simpan di tempat bersih dan sejuk, Hirdarkan Dari Sinar Matahari Langsung Dan Benda-Benda Berbau Tajam. Silver text In the contour: Produksi ole: Cv gemeh- Denpasar - 80114 Indonesia.
Factory sign: Altinex

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