
Indonesia (ID)

Code: OIDSTE19571
Added: 03/05/2011 09:41
Updated: 24/02/2017 12:56
Views: 26
Collection: 2
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 1
No interested: 0

Brand - S-tee // Green crown cap and text in green, red and silver // Drink - Tea // Text - S-tee 318ml - Halal - Komposisi: Air, gula dan ekstrak teh - Tanpa zat pewarna, tanpa zat pengawet, tanpa pemanis buatan // In the contour in silver - Baik digunakan sebelum (Lihat Leher Botol) Pt. sinar sosro - Pabrik ungaran kode produksi (Lihat Leher Botol) MD 150111002073 // Factory sign - IMCP

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