
San Miguel Fábricas de Cerveza y Malta S.A. (1516)
Spain (ES)

Code: BESSAM17441
Added: 01/02/2011 16:50
Updated: 13/05/2024 18:41
Views: 53
Collection: 25
Repeated: 2
Wanted: 23
No interested: 1

Brand: San Miguel (1516) "Nach dem Reinheitsgebot gebraut" // Producer -
Description: Cream crown cap, dark brown label and logo. Green numbers: 1516. Cream text: Nach dem Reinheitsgebot gebraut. Different to BESSAM04050, the cream colored hue of the numbers (1516), is more clear.
On the skirt: San Miguel Fábricas de Cerveza y Maltas S.A. C/Urgell 240 08036 BARCELONA / SPAIN.
Plastic line.
Factory sign: E (Eurotap, S.A).

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