
Industria Nacional de Bebidas Ltda.
Brazil (BR)

Code: BBRINB00151
Added: 23/08/2019 08:39
Updated: 07/02/2025 12:08
Views: 9
Collection: 1
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 2
No interested: 0

rand: Colônia.
Producer: INAB - National Beverage Industry Ltd.
Description: Gold and silver crown, golden cap. Black text and Bar code: 7898032910083. Cerveja Colonia Extra Lager.FAB, ENG POR CERVEJARIA SUL BRASILEIRA LTDA.RUA BARÄO DO RIO BRANCO 4188- VILA INDUSTRIAL- TOLEDO PR CNPJ 82.206.004/0001-95 - REG DO PROD NO MA Nº PR -05344 00051-4.
Factory sign: Aro (Aro, S.A. Guarulhos).

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