
Italy (IT)

Code: SITAPE12405
Added: 31/05/2010 09:12
Updated: 19/09/2018 20:35
Views: 17
Collection: 23
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 1

Brand - Aperol // Blue cap and text in orange and white // Text - Aperol soda - Ingredient: Zucchero, alcool, aromi (incluso chinino), anidride carbonica, sale - acidificante: acido citrico - colorante: E 110, E 124 - 3% vol. - 12,5cl e // In the contour - cons. pref. entro il 2013 - dcm SpA - Milano - stab. Mariano comense - lic. utf ITOOCOA00009O // Factory sign - CS

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