
Wildbräu Grafing Josef Schlederer GmbH.
Germany (DE)

Code: BDEWGR100339
Added: 10/01/2025 18:28
Updated: 10/01/2025 18:28
Views: 1
Collection: 0
Repeated: 0
Wanted: 0
No interested: 2

Brand: Wildbrau
Producer: Josef Grafing Wildbräu Schlederer GmbH.
Description: Golden crown, white cap. Blue label. Multicolored logo, with white and black text: "WILDBRÄU GRAFING". Dark blue circle and text: "Seit 1616".
Plastic inside.
Factory sign: R.R.K. (Rauh GmbH & Co. Blechwarenfabrikations-KG).

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